An Inside Look at Labral Tears

An explanation of labral tears, the mechanisms and complications involved, and how to decide if massage would be beneficial to incorporate in treatment. Introduction There are many instances in the clinic in which a common clinical situation requires practitioners understand an orthopedic pathology in order to determine if massage would be an appropriate treatment. Justin’s … Read more

Exploring Elusive Compartment Syndromes

Many of our clients come in with chronic, aching muscular pain. The natural reaction is to attempt to relieve their pain, often through deep pressure massage applications. However, there are certain conditions in which performing deeper levels of treatment is contraindicated and can actually make the condition worse. Compartment syndromes fall into this category and understanding this … Read more

Cruciate Ligaments- An Inside Look

A look at Cruciate Ligaments, common issues that arise, as well as treatment strategies and the role of massage. Introduction The knee is the largest joint in the human body. And it is also a common location for injury, usually due to ligament damage. The reason for this is that the lower extremity skeletal structure … Read more

The Manual Resistive Test

A review of the Manual Resistive Test, one of the most important aspects of a physical examination, and its range of uses in identifying soft-tissue pathologies. Introduction Physical examination remains one of the most valuable aspects of assessing the integrity of soft-tissues. While high-tech diagnostic studies can be helpful for examining the structure of various … Read more

Adverse Neural Tension

A great deal of emphasis is placed on maintaining flexibility in the soft tissues, such as muscle, in order to maintain optimum function and reduce injury. However, other structures or systems must also have flexibility or pliability during movement. The nervous system, which is more commonly perceived as a network of communication lines, actually needs … Read more

Osteochondritis Dissecans

There are numerous causes of anterior knee pain, some more common than others. Osteochondritis dissecans (OCD) is not a very common condition. It is, however, something that the massage practitioner should be aware of as a possible cause for knee pain. Osteochondritis dissecans is most often seen in younger patients, generally between 13 and 21 years old … Read more

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